
Opening Hours

Mon - Fri: 10.00AM - 3.00PM, Evening appointments available Mondays and Thursdays

An Aromatherapy bath can be a wonderfully relaxing and therapeutic experience.
💧However because oil and water do not mix you need to dissolve the oils in something first.
⚠️If you don’t do this, they will just sit on top of the water and cause irritation to the skin.
You can use a 1-4% dilution but 2% is usually best. If you use a vegetable oil be careful as it will make the bath slippery.
🍸Yes it’s a myth that you can use milk or vodka to disperse essential oils in the bath.
💙Neal’s Yard Remedies have a fabulous ‘Create’ range including ‘hair and body wash’ which is a bath foam base.
⚠️Remember if you’re pregnant, elderly, have medical conditions or want to use essential oils with children please consult a clinical aromatherapist, like myself.
⭐️You can order Create range products, vegetable oils and essential oils through my online shop
⭐️I can make bespoke bath foams for you too.
Enjoy your Aromatherapy baths!