
Opening Hours

Mon - Fri: 10.00AM - 3.00PM, Evening appointments available Mondays and Thursdays

I use Neal’s Yard Remedies products in all of my treatments because they are natural and organic. They are a British family run ethical business and all their products are made in their eco-factory in Dorset. There are no parabens, synthetics or other nasties in their products. 

JOIN NEAL’S YARD REMEDIES to earn an income

Do you love organic and natural products? Are you looking for a new opportunity to earn some extra cash, meet new people and take on a new challenge for yourself? Then join my team of Independent Consultants with this business starter kit!

👉Earn extra income
👉Work flexible hours
👉Supplement your existing business
👉Receive amazing discounts/commission
👉Meet new people
👉A new challenge
👉No targets
👉No minimum monthly orders
👉Free training

Please click below to find out more and register, feel free to contact me for further info. Feel free to share with others who might be interested.

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