Aromatherapy for Pregnancy & Labour
What is Aromatherapy? Aromatherapy is the controlled use of essential oils, carrier oils and hydrolats to bring about balance (mind, body and spirit) in an individual. It is a holistic …
Mon - Fri: 10.00AM - 3.00PM, Evening appointments available Mondays and Thursdays
Mon - Fri: 10.00AM - 3.00PM, Evening appointments available Mondays and Thursdays
What is Aromatherapy? Aromatherapy is the controlled use of essential oils, carrier oils and hydrolats to bring about balance (mind, body and spirit) in an individual. It is a holistic …
My Diffusion Top Tips Diffusion is a wonderful way to help with emotional and psychological issues (anxiety & depression), respiratory issues (coughs & colds) and problems with memory (focus & …
An Aromatherapy bath can be a wonderfully relaxing and therapeutic experience.However because oil and water do not mix you need to dissolve the oils in something first.If you don’t do …