
Opening Hours

Mon - Fri: 10.00AM - 3.00PM, Evening appointments available Mondays and Thursdays

What is Aromatherapy? Aromatherapy is the controlled use of essential oils, carrier oils and hydrolats to bring about balance (mind, body and spirit) in an individual. It is a holistic complementary therapy so we work with the whole body and in conjunction with your Dr/Midwife’s medical advice (not as a replacement). 

How can Aromatherapy help you in Pregnancy & Labour? Aromatherapy can help to relieve tension and stress, help you to relax, sleep better and renew your energy. It can help to relieve minor ailments such as muscular aches and pains, nausea, headaches. It can help with breathing practises in labour, help to bring on and deepen contractions, relieve pain, boost energy and keep you calm in labour.

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Where to start? It’s important to follow the advice of a Professional Aromatherapist (like myself who is IFPA registered) to ensure you remain safe at all times, because there is a lot of unsafe advice online. You can book an Aromatherapy Pregnancy Massage with me or book an online consultation so I can create bespoke products for you and offer specific advice. I also sell Neal’s Yard Remedies essential oils, diffusers, cold pressed carrier oils and mother and baby products. 

Here are my top tips for home use

  • Avoid essential oils and massage for the first 12 weeks of pregnancy, and up to 16 weeks if you’ve had any problems. (If you have used essential oils already then please don’t panic or worry)
  • Only use essential oils that are recommended as ‘safe’ during pregnancy or breastfeeding (ask me for a list)
  • Buy Organic and ethical essential oils and check the botanical name is on the bottle as there are many synthetic versions around which have no therapeutic effect
  • Do not use Clary Sage or Jasmine until you reach 40 weeks or go into labour
  • Never put essential oils directly on the skin, directly into the bath or ingest them.
  • I create bespoke Pulse point roll on’s or Aroma Inhalers are a great way to use essential oils for personal use e.g. morning sickness, stress/anxiety or insomnia. 

How to use Essential Oils safely in Labour I create labour massage blends, cooling sprays, and Aroma Inhalers. At the most basic level you can put a few drops of Lavender on a cotton wool pad and inhale. If you are keen to use Aromatherapy during your labour please do get in touch for personal advice on how to use them (including checking if your current plans are safe). You will also have to check with your midwife and hospital about their regulations regarding the use of essential oils in labour. 

The Postnatal Period Aromatherapy during the postnatal period can help to balance hormones, boost the immune system, heal wounds and reduce scars, alleviate anxiety & postnatal depression and renew energy. I offer a specific Aromatherapy Massage and products for the postnatal period. 



I’m Claire Blackie, I’m an experienced Clinical Aromatherapist based in Nazeing. I’m fully accredited with the International Federation of Professional Aromatherapists (IFPA).  I offer Aromatherapy massage and facial treatments, bespoke aromatherapy blends and workshops. I’m passionate about using natural, organic, cruelty-free and ethically sourced ingredients.

If you would like to book a treatment or consultation, buy any bespoke or Neal’s Yard Remedies products or ask any questions please do get in touch with me. 

Claire Blackie 07947 819 492 info@claireblackiearomatherapy.com